§ 26-46-102. Creation of program -- Duties of department.  

Latest version.
  • (1) There is created within the department the Utah Health Care Workforce Financial Assistance Program to provide, within funding appropriated by the Legislature for this purpose:
    (a) professional education scholarships and loan repayment assistance to health care professionals who locate or continue to practice in underserved areas; and
    (b) loan repayment assistance to geriatric professionals who locate or continue to practice in underserved areas.
    (2) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the department shall make rules governing the administration of the program, including rules that address:
    (a) application procedures;
    (b) eligibility criteria;
    (c) selection criteria;
    (d) service conditions, which at a minimum shall include professional service in an underserved area for a minimum period of time by any person receiving a scholarship or loan repayment assistance;
    (e) penalties for failure to comply with service conditions or other terms of a scholarship or loan repayment contract;
    (f) criteria for modifying or waiving service conditions or penalties in case of extreme hardship or other good cause; and
    (g) administration of contracts entered into before the effective date of this act, between the department and scholarship or loan repayment recipients, as authorized by law.
    (3) The department shall seek and consider the recommendations of the Utah Health Care Workforce Financial Assistance Program Advisory Committee created under Section 26-46-103 as it develops and modifies rules to administer the program.
    (4) Funding for the program:
    (a) shall be a line item within the appropriations act;
    (b) shall be nonlapsing unless designated otherwise by the Legislature; and
    (c) may be used to cover administrative costs of the program, including reimbursement expenses of the Utah Health Care Workforce Financial Assistance Program Advisory Committee created under Section 26-46-103.
    (5) Loan repayments and payments resulting from breach of contract are dedicated credits to the program.
    (6) The department shall prepare an annual report on the revenues, expenditures, and outcomes of the program.
Amended by Chapter 97, 2009 General Session